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[1] Rashid Nasir and Khan Siffat Ullah (2018), "Agile practices for global software development vendors in the development of green and sustainable software", Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Vol. 30(10), pp. e1964. Wiley Online Library.
						author = {Rashid, Nasir and Khan, Siffat Ullah},
						title = {Agile practices for global software development vendors in the development of green and sustainable software},
						journal = {Journal of Software: Evolution and Process},
						publisher = {Wiley Online Library},
						year = {2018},
						volume = {30},
						number = {10},
						pages = {e1964},
						doi = {10.1002/smr.1964}
[2]Komeil R, Jamaiah Y and Aziz D (2016), "Current challenges and conceptual model of green and sustainable software engineering", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology.
						author = {Komeil, Raisian and Jamaiah, Yahaya and Aziz, Deraman},
						title = {Current challenges and conceptual model of green and sustainable software engineering},
						journal = {Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology},
						publisher = {Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology},
						year = {2016},
						url = {}
[3] Rashid N and Khan SU (2016), "Developing Green and Sustainable Software Using Agile Methods in Global Software Development: Risk Factors for Vendors", In 11^th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE'16). Setubal, PRT , pp. 247–253. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
						author = {Rashid, Nasir and Khan, Siffat Ullah},
						title = {Developing Green and Sustainable Software Using Agile Methods in Global Software Development: Risk Factors for Vendors},
						booktitle = {11^th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE'16)},
						publisher = {SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda},
						year = {2016},
						pages = {247–253},
						doi = {10.5220/0005913802470253}
[4] Salam M and Khan SU (2016), "Developing green and sustainable software: Success factors for vendors", In 7^th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS'16)., Aug, 2016. , pp. 1059-1062. IEEE.
						author = {M. Salam and S. U. Khan},
						title = {Developing green and sustainable software: Success factors for vendors},
						booktitle = {7^th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS'16)},
						publisher = {IEEE},
						year = {2016},
						pages = {1059-1062},
						doi = {10.1109/ICSESS.2016.7883248}
[5] García-Mireles GA (2017), "Environmental Sustainability in Software Process Improvement: a Systematic Mapping Study", In Trends and Applications in Software Engineering. , pp. 69-78. Springer International Publishing.
						author = {García-Mireles, Gabriel Alberto},
						editor = {Mejia, Jezreel and Muñoz, Mirna and Rocha, Álvaro and San Feliu, Tomas and Peña, Adriana},
						title = {Environmental Sustainability in Software Process Improvement: a Systematic Mapping Study},
						booktitle = {Trends and Applications in Software Engineering},
						publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
						year = {2017},
						pages = {69--78},
						doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48523-2_7}
[6] Mourão BC, Karita L and do Carmo Machado I (2018), "Green and Sustainable Software Engineering - a Systematic Mapping Study", In 17^th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS'18). New York, NY, USA , pp. 121–130. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
						author = {Mourão, Brunna C. and Karita, Leila and do Carmo Machado, Ivan},
						title = {Green and Sustainable Software Engineering - a Systematic Mapping Study},
						booktitle = {17^th Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality (SBQS'18)},
						publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)},
						year = {2018},
						pages = {121–130},
						url = {},
						doi = {10.1145/3275245.3275258}
[7] García-Mireles GA and Villa-Martínez HA (2018), "Practices for Addressing Environmental Sustainability through Requirements Processes", In Trends and Applications in Software Engineering. , pp. 61-70. Springer International Publishing.
						author = {García-Mireles, Gabriel Alberto and Villa-Martínez, Héctor Antonio},
						editor = {Mejia, Jezreel and Muñoz, Mirna and Rocha, Álvaro and Quiñonez, Yadira and Calvo-Manzano, Jose},
						title = {Practices for Addressing Environmental Sustainability through Requirements Processes},
						booktitle = {Trends and Applications in Software Engineering},
						publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
						year = {2018},
						pages = {61--70},
						url = {},
						doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-69341-5_6}
[8] Moises AC, Malucelli A and Reinehr S (2018), "Practices of Energy Consumption for Sustainable Software Engineering", In 9^th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC'2018)., Oct, 2018. , pp. 1-6. IEEE.
						author = {A. C. Moises and A. Malucelli and S. Reinehr},
						title = {Practices of Energy Consumption for Sustainable Software Engineering},
						booktitle = {9^th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC'2018)},
						publisher = {IEEE},
						year = {2018},
						pages = {1-6},
						doi = {10.1109/IGCC.2018.8752151}
[9] Marimuthu C and Chandrasekaran K (2017), "Software Engineering Aspects of Green and Sustainable Software: A Systematic Mapping Study", In 10^th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC'17). New York, NY, USA , pp. 34–44. Association for Computing Machinery.
						author = {Marimuthu, C. and Chandrasekaran, K.},
						title = {Software Engineering Aspects of Green and Sustainable Software: A Systematic Mapping Study},
						booktitle = {10^th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC'17)},
						publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
						year = {2017},
						pages = {34–44},
						doi = {10.1145/3021460.3021464}
[10] Wolfram N, Lago P and Osborne F (2017), "Sustainability in software engineering", In Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT'17). (1), pp. 1-7. IEEE.
						author = {Wolfram, Nina and Lago, Patricia and Osborne, Francesco},
						title = {Sustainability in software engineering},
						booktitle = {Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT'17)},
						publisher = {IEEE},
						year = {2017},
						number = {1},
						pages = {1--7},
						doi = {10.23919/sustainit.2017.8379798}
[11] Berntsen KR, Olsen MR, Limbu N, Tran AT and Colomo-Palacios R (2017), "Sustainability in Software Engineering - A Systematic Mapping", In International Conference on Software Process Improvement. , pp. 23-32. Springer International Publishing.
						author = {Berntsen, Kristina Rakneberg and Olsen, Morten Rismo and Limbu, Narayan and Tran, An Thien and Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo},
						editor = {Mejia, Jezreel and Muñoz, Mirna and Rocha, Álvaro and San Feliu, Tomas and Peña, Adriana},
						title = {Sustainability in Software Engineering - A Systematic Mapping},
						booktitle = {International Conference on Software Process Improvement},
						publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
						year = {2017},
						pages = {23--32},
						doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48523-2_3}
[12] Penzenstadler B, Bauer V, Calero C and Franch X (2012), "Sustainability in software engineering: A systematic literature review", In 16^th International Conference on Evaluation Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'12)., May, 2012. , pp. 32-41. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
						author = {B. Penzenstadler and V. Bauer and C. Calero and X. Franch},
						title = {Sustainability in software engineering: A systematic literature review},
						booktitle = {16^th International Conference on Evaluation Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'12)},
						publisher = {Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)},
						year = {2012},
						pages = {32-41},
						doi = {10.1049/ic.2012.0004}
[13] Salam M and Khan SU (2015), "Systematic Literature Review Protocol for Green Software Multi-sourcing with Preliminary Results", Pakistan Academy of sciences. Vol. 52, pp. 285-300.
						author = {Salam, Muhammad and Khan, Siffat Ullah},
						title = {Systematic Literature Review Protocol for Green Software Multi-sourcing with Preliminary Results},
						journal = {Pakistan Academy of sciences},
						year = {2015},
						volume = {52},
						pages = {285--300},
						url = {}
[14] Penzenstadler B, Raturi A, Richardson D, Calero C, Femmer H and Franch X (2014), "Systematic Mapping Study on Software Engineering for Sustainability (SE4S)", In 18^th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'14). New York, NY, USA , pp. 1-14. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
						author = {Penzenstadler, Birgit and Raturi, Ankita and Richardson, Debra and Calero, Coral and Femmer, Henning and Franch, Xavier},
						title = {Systematic Mapping Study on Software Engineering for Sustainability (SE4S)},
						booktitle = {18^th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE'14)},
						publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)},
						year = {2014},
						pages = {1--14},
						url = {},
						doi = {10.1145/2601248.2601256}
[15] Anwar H and Pfahl D (2017), "Towards Greener Software Engineering Using Software Analytics: A Systematic Mapping", In 43^rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'17)., Aug, 2017. , pp. 157-166. IEEE.
						author = {H. Anwar and D. Pfahl},
						title = {Towards Greener Software Engineering Using Software Analytics: A Systematic Mapping},
						booktitle = {43^rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA'17)},
						publisher = {IEEE},
						year = {2017},
						pages = {157-166},
						doi = {10.1109/SEAA.2017.56}
[16] Ahmad R, Baharom F and Hussain A (2014), "A systematic literature review on sustainability studies in software engineering", In Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe). Langkawi, Malaysia , pp. 1-6.
						author = {Ahmad, Ruzita and Baharom, Fauziah and Hussain, Azham},
						title = {A systematic literature review on sustainability studies in software engineering},
						booktitle = {Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe)},
						year = {2014},
						pages = {1--6},
						url = {}
[17] Bozzelli P, Gu Q and Lago P (2013), "A systematic literature review on green software metrics", VU University, Amsterdam.
						author = {Bozzelli, Paolo and Gu, Qing and Lago, Patricia},
						title = {A systematic literature review on green software metrics},
						journal = {VU University, Amsterdam},
						year = {2013},
						url = { pt/TIEA5_Thesis_Course/Session_10_2013_02_18/SLR_GreenMetrics.pdf}
[18] Calero C, Bertoa MF and Moraga MA (2013), "A systematic literature review for software sustainability measures", In International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS'13)., May, 2013. , pp. 46-53. Association for Computing Machinery.
						author = {C. Calero and M. F. Bertoa and M. A. Moraga},
						title = {A systematic literature review for software sustainability measures},
						booktitle = {International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS'13)},
						publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
						year = {2013},
						pages = {46-53},
						doi = {10.1109/GREENS.2013.6606421}
[19] García-Mireles GA, Moraga MÁ, García F, Calero C and Piattini M (2018), "Interactions between environmental sustainability goals and software product quality: A mapping study", Information and Software Technology. Vol. 95, pp. 108 - 129. Elsevier.
						author = {Gabriel Alberto García-Mireles and Mª Ángeles Moraga and Félix García and Coral Calero and Mario Piattini},
						title = {Interactions between environmental sustainability goals and software product quality: A mapping study},
						journal = {Information and Software Technology},
						publisher = {Elsevier},
						year = {2018},
						volume = {95},
						pages = {108 - 129},
						doi = {10.1016/j.infsof.2017.10.002}
[20] Khan RU, Khan SU, Khan RA and Ali S (2015), "Motivators in green IT-outsourcing from Vendor’s perspective: A systematic literature review", Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Vol. 52(4), pp. 345-360.
						author = {Khan, Rahmat Ullah and Khan, Siffat Ullah and Khan, Rafiq Ahmad and Ali, Sikandar},
						title = {Motivators in green IT-outsourcing from Vendor’s perspective: A systematic literature review},
						journal = {Pakistan Academy of Sciences},
						year = {2015},
						volume = {52},
						number = {4},
						pages = {345--360},
						url = {'s_Perspective_A_Systematic_Literature_Review}
[21] Koziolek H (2011), "Sustainability Evaluation of Software Architectures: A Systematic Review", In Proceedings of the Joint ACM SIGSOFT Conference -- QoSA and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium -- ISARCS on Quality of Software Architectures -- QoSA and Architecting Critical Systems -- ISARCS. New York, NY, USA , pp. 3–12. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
						author = {Koziolek, Heiko},
						title = {Sustainability Evaluation of Software Architectures: A Systematic Review},
						booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint ACM SIGSOFT Conference -- QoSA and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium -- ISARCS on Quality of Software Architectures -- QoSA and Architecting Critical Systems -- ISARCS},
						publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)},
						year = {2011},
						pages = {3–12},
						url = {},
						doi = {10.1145/2000259.2000263}
[22]Nazir S, Fatima N and Chuprat S (2020), "Situational Factors for Modern Code Review to Support Software Engineers' Sustainability", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. Vol. 11(1) The Science and Information Organization.
						author = {Sumaira Nazir and Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat},
						title = {Situational Factors for Modern Code Review to Support Software Engineers' Sustainability},
						journal = {International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications},
						publisher = {The Science and Information Organization},
						year = {2020},
						volume = {11},
						number = {1}
[23]Nazir S, Fatima N, Chuprat S, Sarkan H, Nurulhuda F and Sjarif NN (2020), "Sustainable Software Engineering:A Perspective of Individual Sustainability", International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology., April, 2020. Vol. 10(2), pp. 676. Insight Society.
						author = {Sumaira Nazir and Nargis Fatima and Suriayati Chuprat and Haslina Sarkan and Nurulhuda F and Nilam N.A. Sjarif},
						title = {Sustainable Software Engineering:A Perspective of Individual Sustainability},
						journal = {International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology},
						publisher = {Insight Society},
						year = {2020},
						volume = {10},
						number = {2},
						pages = {676}
[24]Debbarma T and Chandrasekaran K (2016), "Green measurement metrics towards a sustainable software: A systematic literature review", In International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering. Jaipur, India, December, 2016. IEEE.
						author = {Tribid Debbarma and K Chandrasekaran},
						title = {Green measurement metrics towards a sustainable software: A systematic literature review},
						booktitle = {International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering},
						publisher = {IEEE},
						year = {2016}
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