Sustainable Software Systems: The Core Characteristics and Their Achievement

Sustainability for software systems started to be discussed in 2009 in ICSE special session for the plannet . Despite this topic is considered relatively new in software engineering the community already proposed many approaches to achieve sustainability. Thus, we provide below a table of 98 approaches mentioned in literature as means to leverage sustainability in software systems.
ID Primary Study BibID Mentioned in (Secondary study ID) Type Title Year Approach Description
A1 Briand1993 21 Metric Measuring and assessing maintainability at the end of high level design. 1993 In this paper, a comprehensive approach for evaluating the high-level design of software systems which is summarized and presented. Also, the author presents a generic formalization for metrical notions independent of any programming paradigm, which includes coupling and cohesion besides complexity-based and class-based metrics.
A2 Briand1996 21 Framework Property-based software engineering measurement 1996 In order to provide some guidelines for the analyst in charge of defining product measures, a framework was proposed for software measurement where various software measurement concepts are distinguished and their specific properties defined in a generic manner. Such a framework is, by its very nature, somewhat subjective and there are possible alternatives to it. However, it is a practical framework since the properties are interesting and all the concepts can be distinguished by different sets of properties.
A3 Lakos1996 21 Metric Large-scale C++ software design 1996 Defines a metric called Cumulative Component Dependency (CCD), which is the sum of required dependencies by a component within a subsystem.
A4 Burmeister1997 14 Method Application of multi-agent systems in traffic and transportation 1997 Propose Agent-oriented techniques as a new advance in information technology can help to respond to the growing interest in making traffic and transportation more efficient, resource-saving and ecological. The authors give an overview of a diverse range of applications where multi-agent systems promise to create a great impact in this domain. To demonstrate the ideas behind AOTs and their applicability in this domain, two applications currently under development at Daimler-Benz Research are described in some detail.
A5 Burmeister1997 14 Method / Tool Application of multi-agent systems in traffic and transportation 1997 Propose simulations to make traffic and transportation more efficient, resource-saving and ecological. The applications proposed in this domain are mainly used for simulation and experimentation. Agent-oriented tools and development environments like DASEDIS and dMARS facilitate rapid prototyping of systems. They provide a natural modularisation of the system in terms of agents that can be executed concurrently or even distributed among different machines.
A6 Mancoridis1999, Mitchell2006 21 Metric / Tool Bunch: A clustering tool for the recovery and maintenance of\nsoftware system structures 1999 Introduce a clustering tool called BUNCH, which tries to optimize the proposed modularization quality metric. This metric is based on a partitioned module dependency graph and computed by the difference of the average inter- and intra-connectivity of the partitions.
A7 Dong2012 14 Tool Research on the development of green product life cycle analysis tool 2002 On the basis of the life cycle model, a software tool for green product life cycle analysis, named GPLCAS, is developed. In order to make the system function clear, IDEF0 is adopted for the overall design of GPLCAS. To increase the reusability, expandability and maintainability of GPLCAS, function unit and process classes are used for abstract products and their life cycle activity. In the end, a case study is given to show the functions of GPLCAS.
A8 Martin2002 21 Metric Agile Software Development: Principles,\nPatterns, and Practices 2002 Defines metrics for software packages, i.e., groups of related classes (e.g., java packages, C++- projects, low-level modules). These include package afferent coupling, efferent coupling, abstractness, instability, distance from main sequence, and package dependency cycles. Several tools support measuring these metrics (e.g., JDepend, CppDepend, STAN).
A9 Clements2003 21 Method Evaluating software architectures: methods and case studies 2003 ATAM - identify trade-offs between different quality attributes for a system and reveal sensitivity points in na architecture
A Bengtsson2004 21 Method Architecture-level modifiability analysis (ALMA) 2004 ALMA - predict maintenance effort, to assess risks, or to compare candidate architecture to modifiability
A11 Vallerio2006 19 Technique Energy-efficient graphical user interface design 2006 This paper is the first to explore how GUIs can be designed to improve system energy efficiency. We investigate how GUI design approaches should be changed to improve system. Energy efficiency and provide specific suggestions to mobile computer designers to enable them to develop more energy-efficient systems.
A12 Sarkar2007 21 Metric Api-based and information-theoretic metrics for measuring the quality of software modularization 2006 API-based and information-theoretic metrics for measuring modularization quality. The metrics rely on the definition of APIs between modules, module size thresholds, and concept term maps and explicitly exclude any object-oriented features. Each metric is defined between 0 and 1 where higher values are better. Some metrics are derived from the works of Lakos [37] and Martin [44]. The metrics were applied on a number of open source systems (e.g., Apache, MySQL, Mozilla) as well as a 12 MLOC commercial system [61], but the authors do not provide their tools publicly
A13 Penzenstadler2012d, Penzenstadler2013a 2 Metric Sustainability in software engineering: A systematic literature review 2012 Spotlight on quality designing taking into account the estimations of software as far as quality measurements
A14 Ramakrishnan2007 14 Method Business process ontology and software service models for environmentally sustainable manufacturing enterprises 2007 In this paper, the authors explore the business process ontology for modelling software services.
A15 Robinson2007 14 Tool SUNtool - a new modelling paradigm for simulating and optimising urban sustainability 2007 In this paper, the authors describes the development and application of a new unique tool to support designers to optimise the sustainability of urban neighbourhoods (SUNtool)
A16 SantAnna2007 21 Metric On the modularity of software architectures: A concern-driven measurement framework 2007 Propose a set of 11 concern-driven metrics to measure the modularity of a software system. An architectural concern is defined as a partition of system components with a common goal (e.g., GUI, persistence, distribution). Examples for the metrics are concern diffusion (i.e., counts the number of components or interfaces for a given concern), coupling between concerns (i.e., counts for a concern how components relate itself and other concerns), or interface complexity. The authors compare the modularization of aspect-oriented and non aspect-oriented systems using their metrics in three case studies
A17 Pennington2008 12 Method Indirectly driven knowledge modelling in ecology 2008 Describe entity-relationship modeling , as means to represent their data, knowledge, or information models.
A18 Sarkar2008 21 Metric Metrics for measuring the quality of modularization of large-scale object-oriented software 2008 Extend their former work on module metrics with 9 additional metrics concerning objectoriented relationships (e.g., inheritance, association) between higher-level modules in large OO-systems. These metrics for example measure the extent of the fragile baseclass problem or inheritance relations between higher-level modules. They were measured for eight open source systems between 30 KLOC and 2.5 MLOC, where a human modularization achieved significantly higher values than a randomized modularization based on assigning classes arbitrarily to modules.
A19 Sangwan2008 21 Metric Structural epochs in the complexity of software over time 2008 Introduce the complexity measurement framework Structure 101, which uses a metric called excessive structural complexity (XS). It is computed as the product of the degree of cyclic dependencies violations (metric ’tangled’) and a multi-level complexity metric (’fat’), which can also be determined on the package or module level.
A Du20 12 Technique Expert control based on neural networks for controlling greenhouse environment 2009 Propose an algorithm of ANN with heuristic logic proved to be very effective in meeting formal requirements for greenhouse control such as set point and tracking set point. ANN modeling set point is feasible. The key technique for greenhouse environment control uses ANN and heuristic logic reasonably to create a good algorithm.\nThe proposed control algorithm is currently implemented in based CAN bus control system for greenhouse environment control.
A21 Ramona2009 12 Method Creating and consolidating eco-economics through financial and fiscal instruments. contribution of green taxes 2009 Analyze the creation and consolidation of eco-economics through financial and fiscal instruments (contribution of green taxes)
A22 Cabot2009 14 Method Integrating sustainability in decision-making processes: A modelling strategy 2009 A popular language was used for modeling early requirements as a way to visualize the impact of alternative options on sustainability goals and to analyze the conflicts between sustainability and other problem-specific objectives.
A23 Johansson2009 14 Method Discrete event simulation to generate requirements specification for sustainable manufacturing systems design 2009 Discrete Event Simulation (DES) in combination with Life Cycle\nAssessment (LCA) system can be utilized to evaluate a\nmanufacturing system performance taking into account\nenvironmental measures before actual construction or use of the\nmanufacturing system
A24 Anan2009 21 Metric An architecture-centric software maintainability assessment using information theory. 2009 Propose an approach that is similar to Allen and Khoshgoftaar [2] and use information-theory to\nmeasure the coupling between modules. The authors compute the entropy of an architectural slicing (i.e., a module layer) and condense the values to a metric called ”architecture maintainability effort”. The metrics were applied for a number of artificial module dependency graphs.
A25 Sethi2009 21 Metric From retrospect to prospect: Assessing modularity and stability from software architecture 2009 Base their metrics not on source code, but instead on an augmented constraint network and design structure matrix derived from a higher-level UML component diagram, which also captures architectural concerns and design rules. They define metrics such as decision volatility (i.e., impact of environmental conditions on a design decision) and concern overlap. They evaluate the metrics on eight object-oriented and aspect-oriented releases of a software product line and find for example that the aspect-oriented design is better in accommodating optional features, but also leads to a higher design volatility
A26 Appasami2011, Lo20 2 Tool Green computing methodology for next generation computing scientists. 2010 Incorporate virtualization, shutting applications which are no more being used, effective calculations by composing a minimal outline of codes and information structures, diminishment of parallelism overhead by creating proficient burden adjusting calculations, fine grained green figuring, and making vitality assignment calculations for steering information
A27 AlvaresdeOliveira20 2 Method Self-optimisation of the energy footprint in service-oriented architectures 2010 Exhibited a methodology taking into account periodic measurement of GPIs and QoS and reception of Service Oriented design is utilized to streamline vitality productivity at the Software-as-Service layer.
A28 Corbett20 2 Metric Unearthing the Value of Green IT 2010 Cost is principle aspect from monetary circle of triple base of Sustainability.
A29 Sissa20 14 Method Green Software 2010 The actual computer lifecycle is shorter than the potential one. Some real data and interview will give evidence on how software improvements, aimed at making the information system configuration more effective, will lead to energy consumption reduction.
A Bingshan20 14 Method Knowledge-based environmental information system for sustainable development of wetland area 2010 This paper is to develop knowledge base system integrate with the existing information database and improve the knowledge base associated with environmental decision processes to help the sustainable development of wetland.
A31 Ager20 14 Method Internet map services: new portal for global ecological monitoring, or geodata junkyard? 2010 This work is part of a larger project at the Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center to build an early warning and monitoring system for specific wildland threats to human and ecological values.
A32 Naumann2011 [2][5][11][14][16] Model The greensoft model: A reference model for green and sustainable software and its engineering 2011 The authors propose definitions of the terms “Green and Sustainable Software” and “Green and Sustainable Software Engineering”, then we outline a conceptual reference model, the GREENSOFT Model. This model includes a cradle-to-grave product life cycle model for software products, sustainability metrics and criteria for software, software engineering extensions for sustainably sound software design and development, as well as appropriate guidance.
A33 Gupta2011 2 Metric A Framework of Creating Intelligent Power Profiles in Operating Systems\nto Minimize Power Consumption and Greenhouse Effect Caused by Computer\nSystems. 2011 These techniques consistently measure the energy utilization of running software in a given timeframe and can be consolidated in operating systems
A34 Taina2011 2 Metric Good, bad, and beautiful software-In search of green software quality factors 2011 Endeavors are centered on having clear measurements for measuring the carbon impression of software development, the measure of assets utilized by programming, and the amount of harm it does to environment
A35 Bravi2011 12 Method Life cycle assessment of a micromorph photovoltaic system 2011 Propose a life cycle analysis about energy consume
A36 Mahaux2011 [14][19] Method Discovering Sustainability Requirements: An Experience Report 2011 This paper reports on a software project in which sustainability requirements were treated as first class quality requirements, and as such systematically elicited, analysed and documented. The authors intended to assess how current techniques support these activities. Beyond raising awareness on the importance of sustainability concerns in requirements engineering, this experience report suggests that, while a lot of work remains to be done, small and easy steps may already lead us to more sustainable systems. It also contributes to the agenda of requirements engineering researchers concerned with sustainability.
A37 Maharmeh2011 14 Framework Application of a composite process framework for managing green ICT applications development 2011 This paper presents the use of Composite Process Framework for Green ICT Applications Development. This framework for software development, as its name suggests, integrates different elements of software development processes such as waterfall, iterative-incremental and agile approaches to software development.
A38 Shenoy2011 14 Method Green software development model: An approach towards sustainable software development 2011 This paper discusses the changes in the existing SDLC and suggests appropriate steps which can lead to lower carbon emissions, power and paper use, thus helping organizations to move towards greener and sustainable software development.
A39 Amsel2011 [14][24] Method, Tool Toward sustainable software engineering 2011 In this paper, the author propose a tool called GreenTracker, which measures the energy consumption of software in order to raise awareness about the environmental impact of software usage
A Bhalla2011 14 Method Applying Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing for a Greener Traffic Management 2011 The authors discussed various scenarios where Cloud computing technology can be utilised resulting in further optimisation of the computing resources and therefore reducing the carbon emission. WiMAX was proposed as a method to facilitate communication to and from fast moving cars. WiMAX combined with GPS (Global Positioning System) technology can facilitate building an efficient traffic management system.
A41 Schrammel2011 14 Metric FORE-Watch - The Clock That Tells You When to Use: Persuading Users to Align Their Energy Consumption with Green Power Availability 2011 This paper presents and discuss requirements identified by use of literature analysis, focus groups and end-user questionnaires, outline approaches to calculate basic power generation forecasts based on weather forecast data and present an ambient interface concept designed to meet the identified requirements.
A42 Koziolek2011 16 Metric Sustainability Evaluation of Software Architectures: A Systematic Review 2011 The authors aims to measure the sustainability of a software architecture both during early design using scenarios and during evolution using scenarios and metrics, which is highly relevant in practice
A43 Marcus2011 19 Technique User-experience for Personal Sustainability\nSoftware: Determining Design Philosophy and Principles 2011 This paper describes the research and analysis that led to a design philosophy and a set of principles that were then “tested out” in a series of short prototype applications intended to make more compelling and engaging business applications incorporating sustainability and taking advantage of people’s interests, expertise, and experience with sustainability.
A44 Rahman2011 19 Tool Design and implementation\nof an open framework for ubiquitous carbon footprint calculator applications 2011 In this paper the authors proposed an Open Carbon Footprint Calculator application platform, OCFF that can determine a user's carbon footprint based on his/her dynamic activity. Given the prevalence and potential influence, OCFF can provide greater public benefit by providing greater consistency and ubiquity. develop carbon footprintcalculators
A45 Mahaux2012 2 Method Integrating the complexity of sustainability in requirements engineering 2012 Contend that requirements engineering is basic to the entire software life cycle principally in the application stage where clients are conveyed the framework and anticipate that it will adjust to their prerequisites. They guarantee that proper requirement engineering can help software last more along these lines diminishing the power utilization.
A46 Capra2012 [2][19] Metric Is software “green”? Application development environments and energy efficiency in open source applications 2012 Concentrate on building up a measure of resource efficiency for software applications and outline how application advancement situations can have a hindering impact because of the extra lines of code they include
A47 Penzenstadler2012c 2 Method Re4es: Support environmental sustainability by requirements engineering 2012 A requirement engineering methodology is created that permits engineer to deal with sustainability as a top notch quality goal
A48 Lami2012b [2][5][19] Process Software sustainability from a process-centric perspective 2012 In this paper this problem is addressed from a software process perspective. Sustainability of software process is approached in a systematic way by defining a core set of processes that represent the activities to be performed in order to introduce and integrate the greenness culture in an organization developing software.
A49 Chen2012 11 Model / Tool An Energy Consumption Model and Analysis Tool for Cloud Computing Environmentss 2012 In this paper, the authors propose a new energy consumption model and an analysis tool for Cloud environments to address these issues.Energy consumption model
A Curry2012 11 Metric Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics 2012 Provide Metrics to Data Center power consumption and and standards for greenhouse gas reporting, life cycle impact analysis, energy efficiency within data centres and assessing the maturity of sustainable information and communication technology (SCIT) within organizations.
A51 Murugesan2012 11 Framework / guidelines/ metrics Green IT: An Overview 2012 Propose a framework containing guidelines, metrics and a deep discussion about how to produce sustainable softwares
A52 Curry2012 11 Method Sustainable Information Systems and Green Metrics 2012 Propose Life-cycle Assessment - also known as life cycle analysis, is a technique to systematically identify resource flows and environmental impacts associated with all the stages of product and service provision. LCA provides a quantitative cradle-to-grave analysis of the products or services’ global environmental costs (i.e. from raw materials through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance and disposal or recycling). The demand for LCA data and tools has accelerated with the growing global demand to assess and reduce GHG emissions from different manufacturing and service sectors
A53 Sahin2012a 14 Method Initial explorations on design pattern energy usage 2012 In this paper, the authors present a new approach for mapping software design to power consumption and present empirical results of the approach on different software implementations. In particular, we compare the power profiles of software using design patterns against software not using design patterns as a way to explore how high-level design decisions affect an application's energy usage. We show how mappings between software design and power consumption profiles can provide software designers and developers with useful information about the power behavior of the software they are developing. The goal is for software engineers to use this information in designing and developing more energy efficient solutions.
A54 Durdik2012 16 Guidelines Sustainability guidelines for long-living software systems 2012 This paper describes how we derived these guidelines and how we applied selected techniques from them in two industrial case studies. We report several lessons learned about sustainable software development.
A55 Jelschen2012 19 Technique Towards applying reengineering services to energy-efficient applications 2012 This paper discusses how software reengineering techniques, like dynamic analysis and refactoring, can be applied to the field of energy-aware computing, to monitor, analyze, and optimize the energy profile of mobile applications and devices.While others considered some reengineering techniques to improveenergy efficiency for mobile applications
A56 Agosta2012 19 Technique, tool Automatic memoization for energy efficiency in financial applications 2012 In this paper, we proposed the use of memoization of Java methods to reduce energy consumption in financial applications. To this end, we have introduced an appropriate definition of weak purity, and constructed a prototype that performs pure functions identification as well as automated memoization.
A57 Sabharwal2013 19 Technique Enabling green IT through energy-aware\nsoftware 2012 Present general techniques for computing efficiency, data efficiency and context-awareness as to improve energy efficiency
A58 Mahmoud2013 [2][5][11] Model A green model for sustainable software engineering 2013 In this paper, the authors design a software model that covers all aspects of software related to green computing. The model is a two level model in which the first level is a hybrid software engineering process between sequential, iterative, and agile software development processes that aims to create a green and sustainable software process.
A59 Dick2013 11 Model Green software engineering with agile methods 2013 In this paper, the authors incorporated sustainability issues to the software development process by presenting a generic process model, as well as integrating the Green and Sustainable Software Engineering enhancements into Scrum, This way, software engineers are supported in developing green and sustainable software products.
A Doerflinger2013 11 Method A Software Development Methodology for Sustainable ICTD Solutions 2013 The authors present a case study on how we combined and adapted, using an iterative action research refinement approach, established interaction design methods into a software development methodology supporting scalable longterm ICTD software projects: the Technical ICTD Methodology (TIM). The case study is based on the experiences of a series of ICTD projects executed within a major software corporation over a period of more than five years.
A61 Penzenstadler2013a [14][16] Model, Method A generic model for sustainability with process- and product-specific instances 2013 In this paper, the authors propose a generic sustainability model with instances for companies and projects from various case studies. We thus enable analysis, support and assessment of environmental sustainability in software engineering.
A62 Penzenstadler2013b 14 Method Who is the advocate? Stakeholders for sustainability 2013 In this paper, we present four approaches of identifying stakeholders for sustainability in a given context: top-down by sustainability dimensions (individual, social, environmental, economic, and technical), by instantiation of a generic list, bottom-up by an organigram, and iteratively by an activity model according to the generic sustainability model.
A63 Grosskop2013 14 Method Identification of Application-Level Energy-Optimizations 2013 This paper described a pragmatic method to estimate the\nenergy footprint of a software application and identify\noptimizations at the application level. The author also proposes a general framework for constructing energy models, based on a node map that represents the structure of the application and its supporting infrastructure and onto which information on work load and energy consumption is projected.
A64 Venters2014 16 Framework The Blind Men and the Elephant: Towards a Software Sustainability Architectural Evaluation Framework 2013 This paper proposes a definition of software sustainability and considers how it can be measured empirically in the design and engineering process of software systems. We propose that the development of a software sustainability architectural evaluation framework would assist in facilitating a greater holistic view of software sustainability.
A65 Koziolek2013 16 Metric Measuring Architecture Sustainability. 2013 Present metrics to evaluate architecture sustainability
A66 kocak2013 [16][24] Framework Green Software Development and Design for Environmental Sustainability. 2013 In this study the authors proposed proposed ANP framework that may be used to help identifying critical requirements and new trade-offs introduced by sustainability requirements.
A67 Bozzelli2013 17 Metric A systematic literature review on green software metrics 2013 Propose metrics for measuring energy, performance, utilization, economy, pollution
A68 Lami2014 5 Framework An ISO/IEC 33000-compliant measurement framework for software process sustainability assessment 2014 The authors define sustainable software process as a process that can meet established sustainability goals. In addition, the paper defines sustainability levels and process attributes for a sustainable process. Finally, the measurement process is adapted in order to address sustainability concerns
A69 Ardito2014 11 Guidelines, Metric Green IT – Available data and guidelines for reducing energy consumption in IT systems 2014 Summarize green IT approaches and present guidelines to write energy efficient software organized according to a taxonomy (also presented in the paper) and energy metrics and benchmarks
A Amri2014 11 Model Towards a Generic Sustainable Software Model 2014 In this paper, the authors propose a Generic Sustainable Software Star Model (GS3M) that forms the basis towards a "complete" view of sustainable software. The model covers different sustainability dimensions: environmental, technical, social, individual and economic. For each dimension we define corresponding software sustainability values. To each value are associated software attributes promoting it. And each attribute can be composed of sub-attributes. To this last is associated a well defined metric.
A71 Sahin2014 19 Technique Clause, How do code refactorings affect energy usage? 2014 In this paper, the authors aim to address the lack of information about the energy efficiency impacts of code refactorings.
A72 Corral2014 19 Technique, tool Method reallocation to reduce energy\nconsumption: an implementation in Android OS 2014 In this paper, the authors investigate the impact that the allocation of a software routine has in the overall energy consumption of a mobile device. We implemented software benchmarks in Java and C and we exercised them in different execution scopes of the Android OS runtime. We measured the amount of energy required to complete each job to determine the energy consumed by each routine, and to know in what cases it is advisable to reallocate the processing job from a regular application to an external execution environment.
A73 Abdulsalam2014 19 Technique Program energy efficiency: the impact of language, compiler and implementation choices 2014 In this paper, the authors conducted a comprehensive study to reveal the impact of programming languages, compiler optimization and implementation choices on program energy efficiency. After analyzing the energy results of three applications, we are able to draw the following conclusions.
A74 Li2014 19 Technique An investigation into energy-saving programming practices\nfor android smartphone app development 2014 In this paper, the authors conducted a small-scale empirical evaluation of commonly suggested energy-saving and performance-enhancing coding practices. In the evaluation we evaluated the degree to which these practices were able to save energy as compared to their unoptimized code coun- terparts. Our results provide useful guidance for mobile app developers.
A75 Yu2015 19 Technique Sensing humanscreen interaction for energy-efficient frame rate adaptation on smartphones 2014 In this paper, by analyzing the real traces, we have found that scrolling operation consumes a great amount of energy on smartphones. The authors proposed a scrolling-speed-adaptive frame rate controlling system, E3, which significantly reduces the power consumption caused by the scrolling operations while keeping the user experience un-compromised.
A76 Bomfim2014 19 Technique Modelling sustainability in a procurement system: an experience report 2014 The study highlights the advantages and challenges of introducing sustainability into private procurement systems, as well as the suitability of the technique for such a purpose. We believe this experience and its resulting model can be useful to other companies wishing to implement sustainable procurement processes.
A77 Raturi2014 19 Framework Developing a sustainability non-functional requirements framework 2014 The authors described an NFR framework that is informed by sustainability models and discuss how it can be used to appropriately elicit and describe sustainability related requirements of the software system to be developed.
A78 Couto2014 19 Tool Detecting anomalous energy consumption in android applications 2014 The authors proposed a dynamically calibrated model for energy consumption for the Android ecosystem that supports different devices.
A79 Chang2014 19 Technique, tool Application behavior analysis in resource consumption for mobile devices 2014 In this paper, the authors propose a way to select indices to capture the characteristics of a mobile device and then a way to visualize its resource consumption.
A Zhang2014 19 Tool A green miner's dataset: mining the impact of software change on energy consumption 2014 In this paper, the authos describe multiple open green mining datasets used in prior green mining work. The dataset includes numerous power traces and parallel system call and CPU/IO/Memory traces of multiple versions of multiple products.
A81 Raturi2015 2 Method, Metric, Tool Green Software Engineering Environments 2015 In this paper, the author describe the existing methods, metrics and tools geared toward optimising and monitoring SEE energy consumption. However, the environmental impacts of creating software systems include more that just plug load energy consumption.
A82 Iso33001:2015 5 Metric ISO33001: ISO/IEC 33001:2015 Information technology 2015 Measurement software process framework based on ISO/IEC 33000 series
A83 Ardito2015 19 Framework Understanding green software development: a conceptual framework 2015 In this article, the authors present a conceptual framework that provides a unifying view of the strategies, models, and tools available so far for designing and developing greener software.
A84 Penzenstadler2015d 19 Model From Requirements Engineering to Green Requirements\nEngineering 2015 In this paper, the authors propose an approach of how to incorporate environmental sustainability as an objective from the very start in requirements engineering by using a reference artefact model with a goal model and continuous deduction and refinement. Thereby, software engineers are enabled to strategically align the objective of environmental sustainability with the other objectives for the software system under development.
A85 Penzenstadler2015e 19 Technique A Toolkit for SE for Sustainability 2015 In this paper, the authors present a toolkit that helps to translate domain-dependent, high-level sustainability goals into software-specific constraints - i.e. it helps design sustainability into the software system. This is achieved by an extensive knowledge base that allows making recommendations to the software developer, and by best practices from open sources software development and user experience best practices.
A86 Moraga2015 19 Metric Green Software Measurement 2015 In this paper, the authors have focused on carrying out a study of the existing Green measures which we have classified in accordance with the product greenability quality model.
A87 Cordero2015 [19][24] Tool A first approach on legacy system energy consumption measurement 2015 In this paper, authors propose a software tool intended to estimate the measurement of software energy consumption in terms of energy.
A88 Gottschalk2016 19 Technique Winter, Refactorings for energy-efficiency 2016 This paper shows an approach to save energy on application level on mobile devices. This approach includes the definition, detection, and restructuring of energy-inefficient code parts within apps. Energy savings are validated by different software-based energy measurement techniques.
A89 Chinenyeze2016 19 Tool DEEPC: dynamic energy profiling of component 2016 In this paper, the authors present an approach and tool for dynamic energy profiling of components for software systems (DEEPC). The proposed approach employs AOP concepts to expedite the energy measurement of components and improve accuracy, by, i) dynamically loading related components for evaluation (load-time weaving) into the base system, as a way to circumvent manual counter implementation, ii) using pointcuts to facilitate power measurement of loaded components.
A Procaccianti2016 19 Technique Empirical evaluation of two best practices for energy-efficient software development 2016 This study aims at assessing the impact, in terms of energy savings, of best practices for achieving software energy efficiency, elicited from previous work. By doing so, it identifies which resources are affected by the practices and the possible trade-offs with energy consumption.
A91 Saputri2016 19 Technique Incorporating sustainability design in requirements engineering process: a preliminary study 2016 In this paper, the authors propose a framework to analyze the sustainability dimension and structure it into software requirements. Moreover, the research goal of this paper is to develop a methodology that determine sustainability requirements. The proposed meta model integrates four sustainability dimensions with the other quality attributes such as performance and usability.
A92 Allen1999, Allen2007 21 Metric Measuring coupling and cohesion: An information-theory approach 1999 Propose an information theory based approach to define coupling and cohesion metrics. Opposed to the former count-based measures, their definitions are based on the entropy in a module interconnection graph, which accounts for patterns in the relationships. They found that the information-theory based metrics were able to make finer distinctions than the count-based metrics. Propose an informationtheory based approach to define coupling and cohesion metrics.
A93 Field2014 24 Framework EACOF: A framework for providing Energy transparency to enable Energy-aware Software development 2014 The authors proposed EACOF, a framework which allows access to information about the energy consumption of software through the use of simple API calls
A94 Johann2012 24 Metric How to measure Energy-Efficiency of software: Metrics and Measurement results 2012 In this work the authors propose a generic metric to measure software and a method to apply it in a software engineering process.
A95 Sahin2012b 24 Tool Towards Power Reduction Through Improve software Design 2012 In this paper, the authors present a new approach and tool for mapping software design to power consumption and describe how such mappings can provide software designers and developers useful information about the power behavior of the software they are developing. The goal is for software engineers to use this information in designing and developing more energy efficient solutions.
A96 Noureddine2012 24 Tool Runtime Monitoring of Software Energy Hotspots 2012 In this paper, we therefore propose to gather fine-grained applications' power feedback information at runtime and with similar accuracy as hardware monitoring while using only a software approach. Our approach, called E-SURGEON, consists of a system monitoring library (at the operating system level), called POWERAPI, and a software monitoring agent, called Jalen.
A97 Ferreira2013 24 Metric SEFLab: A lab for measuring software Energy Footprints 2013 In this paper, the authors provide an outlook of how energy footprint measurements can contribute to a body of knowledge on software-level energy optimization.
A98 Lami2012a 24 Metric Measuring Software Sustainability from a Process Centric Perspective 2012 In this paper, the authors aims to address the need of establishing sustainability objectives and measuring them by few, common-sense measures using a goal-oriented approach, moving from a pre-analysis on the ‘Environment’ goals proposes in. The aim is to add a further piece of information in the design of the proposed new sustainability SPICE processes.
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					%% A1
					author    = {L.C. Briand and S. Morasca and V.R. Basili},
					booktitle = {Conference on Software Maintenance},
					title     = {Measuring and assessing maintainability at the end of high level design},
					year      = {1993},
					address   = {Montreal, Canada},
					publisher = {{IEEE}},

				author    = {L.C. Briand and S. Morasca and V.R. Basili},
				journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering},
				title     = {Property-based software engineering measurement},
				year      = {1996},
				number    = {1},
				pages     = {68--86},
				volume    = {22},
				publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

			author    = {Lakos, John},
			publisher = {Pearson Education (US)},
			title     = {Large-Scale C++ Software Design},
			year      = {1996},
			edition   = {1},
			isbn      = {0201633620},

		%A4, A5
		author    = {B. Burmeister and A. Haddadi and G. Matylis},
		journal   = {{IEE} Proceedings - Software Engineering},
		title     = {Application of multi-agent systems in traffic and transportation},
		year      = {1997},
		number    = {1},
		pages     = {51},
		volume    = {144},
		publisher = {Institution of Engineering and Technology ({IET})},

	% A6
	author    = {S. Mancoridis and B.S. Mitchell and Y. Chen and E.R. Gansner},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Software Maintenance - Software Maintenance for Business Change},
	title     = {Bunch: a clustering tool for the recovery and maintenance of software system structures},
	year      = {1999},
	address   = {Oxford, United Kingdom},
	publisher = {{IEEE}},
	series    = {ICSM'99},

% A8
title={Agile software development: principles, patterns, and practices},
author={Martin, Robert C},
publisher={Prentice Hall}

% A9
title={Evaluating software architectures},
author={Clements, Paul and Kazman, Rick and Klein, Mark and others},
publisher={Tsinghua University Press Beijing}

% A10
author    = {PerOlof Bengtsson and Nico Lassing and Jan Bosch and Hans van Vliet},
journal   = {Journal of Systems and Software},
title     = {Architecture-level modifiability analysis ({ALMA})},
year      = {2004},
month     = jan,
number    = {1-2},
pages     = {129--147},
volume    = {69},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A6
author    = {B.S. Mitchell and S. Mancoridis},
journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering},
title     = {On the automatic modularization of software systems using the Bunch tool},
year      = {2006},
month     = mar,
number    = {3},
pages     = {193--208},
volume    = {32},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

author    = {Santonu Sarkar and Girish Rama and Avinash Kak},
journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering},
title     = {{API}-Based and Information-Theoretic Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Software Modularization},
year      = {2007},
month     = jan,
number    = {1},
pages     = {14--32},
volume    = {33},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A16
author    = {Cl{\'{a}}udio Sant'Anna and Eduardo Figueiredo and Alessandro Garcia and Carlos J. P. Lucena},
booktitle = {Software Architecture},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title     = {On the Modularity of Software Architectures: A Concern-Driven Measurement Framework},
year      = {2007},
pages     = {207--224},

% A12
title={API-based and information-theoretic metrics for measuring the quality of software modularization},
author={Sarkar, Santonu and Rama, Girish Maskeri and Kak, Avinash C},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},

% A18
author    = {S. Sarkar and A.C. Kak and G.M. Rama},
journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software Engineering},
title     = {Metrics for Measuring the Quality of Modularization of Large-Scale Object-Oriented Software},
year      = {2008},
month     = sep,
number    = {5},
pages     = {700--720},
volume    = {34},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A19
author    = {R.S. Sangwan and P. Vercellone-Smith and P.A. Laplante},
journal   = {{IEEE} Software},
title     = {Structural Epochs in the Complexity of Software over Time},
year      = {2008},
month     = jul,
number    = {4},
pages     = {66--73},
volume    = {25},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A24
author    = {Muhammad Anan and Hossein Saiedian and Jungwoo Ryoo},
journal   = {Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice},
title     = {An architecture-centric software maintainability assessment using information theory},
year      = {2009},
month     = jan,
number    = {1},
pages     = {1--18},
volume    = {21},
publisher = {Wiley},

% A25
author    = {Kanwarpreet Sethi and Yuanfang Cai and Sunny Wong and Alessandro Garcia and Claudio Sant{\textquotesingle}Anna},
booktitle = {2009 Joint Working {IEEE}/{IFIP} Conference on Software Architecture {\&} European Conference on Software Architecture},
title     = {From retrospect to prospect: Assessing modularity and stability from software architecture},
year      = {2009},
address   = {Cambridge, United Kingdom},
month     = sep,
publisher = {IEEE},

% A92 
author    = {E.B. Allen and T.M. Khoshgoftaar},
booktitle = {6$^{th}$ International Software Metrics Symposium},
title     = {Measuring coupling and cohesion: an information-theory approach},
year      = {1999},
address   = {London, United Kingdom},
publisher = {IEEE},

% A92
author    = {Edward B. Allen and Sampath Gottipati and Rajiv Govindarajan},
journal   = {Software Quality Journal},
title     = {Measuring size, complexity, and coupling of hypergraph abstractions of software: An information-theory approach},
year      = {2007},
month     = feb,
number    = {2},
pages     = {179--212},
volume    = {15},
publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}},

author    = {Birgit Penzenstadler},
booktitle = {28$^{th}$ Annual {ACM} Symposium on Applied Computing},
title     = {Towards a definition of sustainability in and for software engineering},
year      = {2013},
address   = {Coimbra, Portugal},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {SAC'13},

% A13
author    = {B. Penzenstadler and V. Bauer and C. Calero and X. Franch},
booktitle = {16$^{th}$ International Conference on Evaluation {\&} Assessment in Software Engineering},
title     = {Sustainability in software engineering: a systematic literature review},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Ciudad Real, Spain},
publisher = {{IET}},
series    = {EASE'12},

% A26 % A26
title={Optimization of operating systems towards green computing},
author={Appasami, G and Joseph, K Suresh},
journal={International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics},
publisher={International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics}

author    = {Chia-Tien Dan Lo and Kai Qian},
booktitle = {34$^{th}$ Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference},
title     = {Green Computing Methodology for Next Generation Computing Scientists},
year      = {2010},
address   = {San Juan, USA},
month     = jul,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {ACSAC'18},

% A27
author    = {Frederico G. Alvares de Oliveira and Thomas Ledoux},
booktitle = {1$^{th}$ Workshop on Green Computing},
title     = {Self-optimisation of the energy footprint in service-oriented architectures},
year      = {2010},
address   = {Bangalore India},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {GCM'10},

% A28
author    = {Jacqueline Corbett},
booktitle = {International Conference on Information Systems},
title     = {Unearthing the value of green IT},
year      = {2010},
address   = {Saint Louis, Missouri, USA},
publisher = {AISEL},
series    = {ICIS'10},

% A32
year = {2011},
month = dec,
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
volume = {1},
number = {4},
pages = {294--304},
author = {Stefan Naumann and Markus Dick and Eva Kern and Timo Johann},
title = {The {GREENSOFT} Model: A reference model for green and sustainable software and its engineering},
journal = {Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems}

% A33
title={A framework of creating intelligent power profiles in operating systems to minimize power consumption and greenhouse effect caused by computer systems},
author={Gupta P.K. Singh G.},
journal={Journal of green engineering},
publisher={River publishers}

% A34
title = "Good, Bad, and Beautiful Software - In Search of Green Software Quality Factors",
keywords = "113 Computer and information sciences, Green Software, Green metrics, Software Engineering for the planet",
author = "Juha Taina",
year = "2011",
month = oct,
language = "English",
volume = "2011",
pages = "22--27",
journal = "CEPIS UPGRADE",
issn = "1684-5285",
publisher = "CEPIS",
number = "4",

% A45
author    = {Mahaux, Martin and Canon, Caroline},
booktitle = {1$^{st}$ international workshop on Requirements for Sustainable Systems},
title     = {Integrating the complexity of sustainability in requirements engineering},
year      = {2012},

% A47
author       = {Penzenstadler, Birgit and Tomlinson, Bill and Richardson, Debra},
booktitle    = {International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems},
title        = {Re4es: Support environmental sustainability by requirements engineering},
year         = {2012},
address      = {Essen, Germany},
organization = {Citeseer},
publisher    = {CiteSeerX},
series       = {Re4SuSy'12},

% A82
author    = {Ankita Raturi and Bill Tomlinson and Debra Richardson},
booktitle = {Green in Software Engineering},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {Green Software Engineering Environments},
year      = {2015},
pages     = {31--59},

% A68
author    = {Giuseppe Lami and Fabrizio Fabbrini and Luigi Buglione},
booktitle = {Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement},
title     = {An {ISO}/{IEC} 33000-Compliant Measurement Framework for Software Process Sustainability Assessment},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Haarlem, Netherlands},
month     = oct,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A82
title="ISO/IEC 33001:2015 Information technology — Process assessment — Concepts and terminology",

% A49
author    = {FeiFei Chen and Jean-Guy Schneider and Yun Yang and John Grundy and Qiang He},
booktitle = {1$^{st}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software},
title     = {An energy consumption model and analysis tool for Cloud computing environments},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Zurich, Switzerland},
month     = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'12},

% A50 A52
title={Sustainable information systems and green metrics},
author={Curry, Edward and Donnellan, Brian},
journal={Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}

% A51
author    = {San Murugesan and G. R. Gangadharan},
booktitle = {Harnessing Green It},
publisher = {John Wiley {\&} Sons, Ltd},
title     = {Green {IT}: An Overview},
year      = {2012},
month     = sep,
pages     = {1--21},

% A59
author    = {Markus Dick and Jakob Drangmeister and Eva Kern and Stefan Naumann},
booktitle = {2$^{nd}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software ({GREENS})},
title     = {Green software engineering with agile methods},
year      = {2013},
address   = {San Francisco California},
month     = may,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'13},

% A60
author    = {Joerg Doerflinger and Andy Dearden and Tom Gross},
booktitle = {Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
title     = {A software development methodology for sustainable {ICTD} solutions},
year      = {2013},
address   = {Paris, France},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {CHI'13},

% A58
title={A green model for sustainable software engineering},
author={Mahmoud, Sara S and Ahmad, Imtiaz},
journal={International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications},

% A69
author    = {Luca Ardito and Maurizio Morisio},
journal   = {Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems},
title     = {Green {IT} {\textendash} Available data and guidelines for reducing energy consumption in {IT} systems},
year      = {2014},
month     = mar,
number    = {1},
pages     = {24--32},
volume    = {4},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A70
author    = {Rahma Amri and Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud},
booktitle = {4$^{th}$ International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications},
title     = {Towards a Generic Sustainable Software Model},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Cochin, India},
month     = aug,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A17
author    = {Deana D. Pennington and Ioannis N. Athanasiadis and Shawn Bowers and Serguei Krivov and Joshua Madin and Mark Schildhauer and Ferdinando Villa},
journal   = {International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies},
title     = {Indirectly driven knowledge modelling in ecology},
year      = {2008},
number    = {3},
pages     = {210},
volume    = {3},
publisher = {Inderscience Publishers},

% A20
author    = {Le Du},
booktitle = {Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture {III}},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title     = {Expert Control Based on Neural Networks for Controlling Greenhouse Environment},
year      = {2010},
pages     = {126--132},

% A21
author       = {Ramona, Ciobanu},
booktitle    = {8$^{th}$ WSEAS international conference on System science and simulation in engineering},
title        = {Creating and consolidating eco-economics through financial and fiscal instruments. contribution of green taxes},
year         = {2009},
address      = {Wisconsin, United States},
organization = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)},
pages        = {148--152},
publisher    = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society},

% A35
author    = {Mirko Bravi and Maria Laura Parisi and Enzo Tiezzi and Riccardo Basosi},
journal   = {Energy},
title     = {Life cycle assessment of a micromorph photovoltaic system},
year      = {2011},
month     = jul,
number    = {7},
pages     = {4297--4306},
volume    = {36},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A7
title={Research on the development of green product life cycle analysis tool},
author={Dong, DG Xiang and Jinsong, Wang},
journal={China Mechanical Engineering},

% A14
author    = {Sita Ramakrishnan and Subramania Ramakrishnan},
booktitle = {29$^{th}$ International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces},
title     = {Business Process Ontology and Software Service Models for Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing Enterprises},
year      = {2007},
address   = {Cavtat, Croatia},
month     = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A15
author    = {D. Robinson and N. Campbell and W. Gaiser and K. Kabel and A. Le-Mouel and N. Morel and J. Page and S. Stankovic and A. Stone},
journal   = {Solar Energy},
title     = {{SUNtool} {\textendash} A new modelling paradigm for simulating and optimising urban sustainability},
year      = {2007},
month     = sep,
number    = {9},
pages     = {1196--1211},
volume    = {81},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A22
author    = {Jordi Cabot and Steve Easterbrook and Jennifer Horkoff and Lysanne Lessard and Sotirios Liaskos and Jose-Norberto Mazon},
booktitle = {31$^{th}$ International Conference on Software Engineering},
title     = {Integrating sustainability in decision-making processes: A modelling strategy},
year      = {2009},
address   = {Vancouver, Canada},
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A23
author    = {Bj\"{o}rn Johansson and Anders Skoogh and Mahesh Mani and Swee Leong},
booktitle = {9$^{th}$ Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems},
title     = {Discrete event simulation to generate requirements specification for sustainable manufacturing systems design},
year      = {2009},
address   = {Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {PerMIS'09},

% A29
title={Green software},
author={Sissa, Giovanna},
journal ={The european journal for the informatics professional},
number= {3},

% A30
author    = {W. {Bingshan} and Z. {Weiguo} and L. {Jun}},
booktitle = {2$^{nd}$ International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining},
title     = {Knowledge-based environmental information system for sustainable development of wetland area},
year      = {2010},
address   = {Chengdu, China},
pages     = {178-182},
publisher = {IEEE},

% A31
author    = {Alan Ager and Charlie Schrader-Patton and Ken Bunzel and Brett Colombe},
booktitle = {10$^{th}$ International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research {\&} Application},
title     = {Internet map services: new portal for global ecological monitoring, or geodata junkyard?},
year      = {2010},
address   = {Washington, D.C. USA},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {COM.Geo'10},

% A36
author    = {Martin Mahaux and Patrick Heymans and Germain Saval},
booktitle = {Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title     = {Discovering Sustainability Requirements: An Experience Report},
year      = {2011},
pages     = {19--33},

% A37
author    = {Mohammed Maharmeh and Zahra Saeed},
booktitle = {Handbook of Research on Green {ICT}},
publisher = {{IGI} Global},
title     = {Application of a Composite Process Framework for Managing Green {ICT} Applications Development},
year      = {2011},
pages     = {535--545},

% A38
author    = {Sanath. S. Shenoy and Raghavendra Eeratta},
booktitle = {2011 Annual {IEEE} India Conference},
title     = {Green software development model: An approach towards sustainable software development},
year      = {2011},
address   = {Hyderabad, India},
month     = dec,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A40
author    = {Ishan Bhalla and Kamlesh Chaudhary},
booktitle = {Handbook of Research on Green {ICT}},
publisher = {{IGI} Global},
title     = {Applying Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing for a Greener Traffic Management},
year      = {2011},
pages     = {332--347},

% A41
author    = {Johann Schrammel and Cornelia Gerdenitsch and Astrid Weiss and Patricia M. Kluckner and Manfred Tscheligi},
booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title     = {{FORE}-Watch {\textendash} The Clock That Tells You When to Use: Persuading Users to Align Their Energy Consumption with Green Power Availability},
year      = {2011},
pages     = {157--166},

% A53
author    = {Cagri Sahin and Furkan Cayci and Irene Lizeth Manotas Gutierrez and James Clause and Fouad Kiamilev and Lori Pollock and Kristina Winbladh},
booktitle = {1$^{st}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software ({GREENS})},
title     = {Initial explorations on design pattern energy usage},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Zurich, Switzerland},
month     = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'12},

% A13 A61
author    = {Birgit Penzenstadler and Henning Femmer},
booktitle = {workshop on Green in/by software engineering},
title     = {A generic model for sustainability with process- and product-specific instances},
year      = {2013},
address   = {Fukuoka Japan},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {GIBSE'13},

% A62
author    = {Birgit Penzenstadler and Henning Femmer and Debra Richardson},
booktitle = {2$^{nd}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software ({GREENS})},
title     = {Who is the advocate? Stakeholders for sustainability},
year      = {2013},
address   = {San Francisco California},
month     = may,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'13},

% A63
title={Identification of application-level energy optimizations},
author={Grosskop, Kay and Visser, Joost},
booktitle={Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information
and Communication Technologies for Sustainability},

% A42
author    = {Heiko Koziolek},
booktitle = {Joint {ACM} {SIGSOFT} conference -- {QoSA} and {ACM} {SIGSOFT} symposium -- {ISARCS} on Quality of software architectures -- {QoSA} and architecting critical systems -- {ISARCS}},
title     = {Sustainability evaluation of software architectures},
year      = {2011},
address   = {Boulder, USA},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {QoSA-ISARCS'11},

% A54
author    = {Zoya Durdik and Benjamin Klatt and Heiko Koziolek and Klaus Krogmann and Johannes Stammel and Roland Weiss},
booktitle = {28$^{th}$ {IEEE} International Conference on Software Maintenance},
title     = {Sustainability guidelines for long-living software systems},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Trento, Italy},
month     = sep,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {ICSM'12},

% A64
author    = {Colin C. Venters and Lydia Lau and Michael K. Griffiths and Violeta Holmes and Rupert R. Ward and Caroline Jay and Charlie E. Dibsdale and Jie Xu},
journal   = {Journal of Open Research Software},
title     = {The Blind Men and the Elephant: Towards an Empirical Evaluation Framework for Software Sustainability},
year      = {2014},
month     = jul,
number    = {1},
volume    = {2},
publisher = {Ubiquity Press, Ltd.},

% A65
author    = {Heiko Koziolek and Dominik Domis and Thomas Goldschmidt and Philipp Vorst},
journal   = {{IEEE} Software},
title     = {Measuring Architecture Sustainability},
year      = {2013},
month     = nov,
number    = {6},
pages     = {54--62},
volume    = {30},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A66
author    = {Kocak, Sedef AKINLI},
booktitle = {11$^{th}$ International Doctoral Symposium an Empirical Software Engineering},
title     = {Green software development and design for environmental sustainability},
year      = {2013},
address   = {Baltimore, Maryland},
publisher = {IEEE},
series    = {IDOESE'13},
volume    = {9},

% A67
title={A systematic literature review on green software metrics},
author={Bozzelli, Paolo and Gu, Qing and Lago, Patricia},
institution={VU University, Amsterdam},

% A11
author    = {K.S. Vallerio and Lin Zhong and N.K. Jha},
journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Mobile Computing},
title     = {Energy-efficient graphical user interface design},
year      = {2006},
month     = jul,
number    = {7},
pages     = {846--859},
volume    = {5},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A43
author    = {Aaron Marcus and Jennifer Dumpert and Laurie Wigham},
booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
title     = {User-Experience for Personal Sustainability Software: Determining Design Philosophy and Principles},
year      = {2011},
pages     = {172--177},

% A44
author    = {Farzana Rahman and Casey O'Brien and Sheikh I. Ahamed and He Zhang and Lin Liu},
journal   = {Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems},
title     = {Design and implementation of an open framework for ubiquitous carbon footprint calculator applications},
year      = {2011},
month     = dec,
number    = {4},
pages     = {257--274},
volume    = {1},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A50
author    = {Jan Jelschen and Marion Gottschalk and Mirco Josefiok and Cosmin Pitu and Andreas Winter},
booktitle = {16$^{th}$ European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering},
title     = {Towards Applying Reengineering Services to Energy-Efficient Applications},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Szeged, Hungary},
month     = mar,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {CSMR'12},

% A56
author    = {Giovanni Agosta and Marco Bessi and Eugenio Capra and Chiara Francalanci},
journal   = {Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems},
title     = {Automatic memoization for energy efficiency in financial applications},
year      = {2012},
month     = jun,
number    = {2},
pages     = {105--115},
volume    = {2},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A57
author    = {Manuj Sabharwal and Abhishek Agrawal and Grace Metri},
journal   = {{IT} Professional},
title     = {Enabling Green {IT} through Energy-Aware Software},
year      = {2013},
month     = jan,
number    = {1},
pages     = {19--27},
volume    = {15},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A46
author    = {Eugenio Capra and Chiara Francalanci and Sandra A. Slaughter},
journal   = {Information and Software Technology},
title     = {Is software {\textquotedblleft}green{\textquotedblright}? Application development environments and energy efficiency in open source applications},
year      = {2012},
month     = jan,
number    = {1},
pages     = {60--71},
volume    = {54},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A71
author    = {Cagri Sahin and Lori Pollock and James Clause},
booktitle = {8$^{th}$ {ACM}/{IEEE} International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement},
title     = {How do code refactorings affect energy usage?},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Oulu, Finland},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {ESEM'14},

author    = {Luis Corral and Anton B. Georgiev and Alberto Sillitti and Giancarlo Succi},
booktitle = {29$^{th}$ Annual {ACM} Symposium on Applied Computing},
title     = {Method reallocation to reduce energy consumption},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Gyeongju, Korea},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {SAC'14},

% A73
author    = {Sarah Abdulsalam and Donna Lakomski and Qijun Gu and Tongdan Jin and Ziliang Zong},
booktitle = {International Green Computing Conference},
title     = {Program energy efficiency: The impact of language, compiler and implementation choices},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Dallas, TX, USA},
month     = nov,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A74
author    = {Ding Li and William G. J. Halfond},
booktitle = {3$^{rd}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software},
title     = {An investigation into energy-saving programming practices for Android smartphone app development},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Hyderabad India},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {GREENS'14},

% A75
author    = {Jiadi Yu and Haofu Han and Hongzi Zhu and Yingying Chen and Jie Yang and Yanmin Zhu and Guangtao Xue and Minglu Li},
journal   = {{IEEE} Transactions on Mobile Computing},
title     = {Sensing Human-Screen Interaction for Energy-Efficient Frame Rate Adaptation on Smartphones},
year      = {2015},
month     = aug,
number    = {8},
pages     = {1698--1711},
volume    = {14},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A76
author    = {Camilla Bomfim and Wesley Nunes and Leticia Duboc and Marcelo Schots},
booktitle = {22$^{nd} $ International Requirements Engineering Conference},
title     = {Modelling sustainability in a procurement system: An experience report},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Karlskrona, Sweden},
month     = aug,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {RE'14},

% A77
author    = {Ankita Raturi and Birgit Penzenstadler and Bill Tomlinson and Debra Richardson},
booktitle = {3$^{rd}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software},
title     = {Developing a sustainability non-functional requirements framework},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Hyderabad India},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {GREENS'14},

% A76 A78
author    = {Marco Couto and Tiago Car{\c{c}}{\~{a}}o and J{\'{a}}come Cunha and Jo{\~{a}}o Paulo Fernandes and Jo{\~{a}}o Saraiva},
booktitle = {Programming Languages},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {Detecting Anomalous Energy Consumption in Android Applications},
year      = {2014},
pages     = {77--91},

% A79
author    = {Su-Wei Chang and Sheng-Wei Cheng and Pi-Cheng Hsiu and Tei-Wei Kuo and Ching-Wen Lin},
booktitle = {29$^{th}$ Annual {ACM} Symposium on Applied Computing},
title     = {Application behavior analysis in resource consumption for mobile devices},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Gyeongju, Korea},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {SAC14},

% A80
author    = {Chenlei Zhang and Abram Hindle},
booktitle = {11$^{th}$ Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories},
title     = {A green miner{\textquotesingle}s dataset: mining the impact of software change on energy consumption},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Hyderabad India},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {MSR'14},

% A83
author    = {Luca Ardito and Giuseppe Procaccianti and Marco Torchiano and Antonio Vetro},
journal   = {{IT} Professional},
title     = {Understanding Green Software Development: A Conceptual Framework},
year      = {2015},
month     = jan,
number    = {1},
pages     = {44--50},
volume    = {17},
publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},

% A84
author    = {Birgit Penzenstadler},
booktitle = {Green in Software Engineering},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {From Requirements Engineering to Green Requirements Engineering},
year      = {2015},
pages     = {157--186},

% A85
author    = {Birgit Penzenstadler},
booktitle = {Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design Discourse},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {A Toolkit for {SE} for Sustainability - A Design Fiction},
year      = {2015},
pages     = {634--643},

% A86
author    = {M{\textordfeminine} {\'{A}}ngeles Moraga and Manuel F. Bertoa},
booktitle = {Green in Software Engineering},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {Green Software Measurement},
year      = {2015},
pages     = {261--282},

% A87
author    = {Victor Cordero and Ignacio Garcia-Rodriguez de Guzman and Mario Piattini},
booktitle = {10$^{th}$ International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops},
title     = {A First Approach on Legacy System Energy Consumption Measurement},
year      = {2015},
address   = {Ciudad Real, Spain},
month     = jul,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A88
author    = {Marion Gottschalk and Jan Jelschen and Andreas Winter},
booktitle = {Progress in {IS}},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title     = {Refactorings for Energy-Efficiency},
year      = {2016},
pages     = {77--96},

% A89
author    = {Samuel J. Chinenyeze and Xiaodong Liu and Ahmed Al-Dubai},
booktitle = {40$^{th}$ Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference},
title     = {{DEEPC}: Dynamic Energy Profiling of Components},
year      = {2016},
address   = {Atlanta, USA},
month     = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {COMPSAC'16},

% A90
author    = {Giuseppe Procaccianti and H{\'{e}}ctor Fern{\'{a}}ndez and Patricia Lago},
journal   = {Journal of Systems and Software},
title     = {Empirical evaluation of two best practices for energy-efficient software development},
year      = {2016},
month     = jul,
pages     = {185--198},
volume    = {117},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},

% A91
author    = {Theresia Ratih Dewi Saputri and Seok-Won Lee},
booktitle = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
publisher = {Springer Singapore},
title     = {Incorporating Sustainability Design in Requirements Engineering Process: A Preliminary Study},
year      = {2016},
pages     = {53--67},

% A93
author    = {Hayden Field and Glen Anderson and Kerstin Eder},
booktitle = {29$^{th}$ Annual {ACM} Symposium on Applied Computing},
title     = {{EACOF}},
year      = {2014},
address   = {Gyeongju, Korea},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {SAC'14},

% A94
author    = {Timo Johann and Markus Dick and Stefan Naumann and Eva Kern},
booktitle = {1$^{st}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software},
title     = {How to measure energy-efficiency of software: Metrics and measurement results},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Zurich, Switzerland},
month     = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'12},

% A95
author    = {Cagri Sahin and Furkan Cayci and James Clause and Fouad Kiamilev and Lori Pollock and Kristina Winbladh},
booktitle = {{IEEE} Energytech},
title     = {Towards power reduction through improved software design},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Cleveland, USA},
month     = may,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A96
author    = {Adel Noureddine and Aurelien Bourdon and Romain Rouvoy and Lionel Seinturier},
booktitle = {27$^{th}$ {IEEE}/{ACM} International Conference on Automated Software Engineering},
title     = {Runtime monitoring of software energy hotspots},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Essen, Germany},
publisher = {ACM},
series    = {ASE'12},

% A97
author    = {Miguel A. Ferreira and Eric Hoekstra and Bo Merkus and Bram Visser and Joost Visser},
booktitle = {2$^{nd}$ International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software ({GREENS})},
title     = {Seflab: A lab for measuring software energy footprints},
year      = {2013},
address   = {San Francisco California},
month     = may,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
series    = {GREENS'13},

% A98
author    = {Giuseppe Lami and Luigi Buglione},
booktitle = {Joint Conference of the 22nd International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 2012 7$^{th}$ International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement},
title     = {Measuring Software Sustainability from a Process-centric Perspective},
year      = {2012},
address   = {Assisi, Italy},
month     = oct,
publisher = {{IEEE}},

% A39
year = {2011},
publisher = {{ACM} Press},
author = {Nadine Amsel and Zaid Ibrahim and Amir Malik and Bill Tomlinson},
title = {Toward sustainable software engineering},
booktitle = {33${rd}$ international conference on Software engineering},
series = {ICSE'14},
address={Honolulu, USA},
publisher = {IEEE},

% A48
year = {2012},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
pages = {97--108},
author = {Giuseppe Lami and Fabrizio Fabbrini and Mario Fusani},
title = {Software Sustainability from a Process-Centric Perspective},
booktitle = {Communications in Computer and Information Science}