Sustainable Software Systems: The Core Characteristics and Their Achievement

Context: Sustainability is a cross-disciplinary research topic that has drawn attention from various knowledge areas, such as ecology, engineering, healthcare, and social sciences, and has supported the development of a more sustainable and modern world. Computer science area has also explored such a topic aiming at creating sustainable software systems.

Problem: However, there is no consensus of what sustainable software systems are exactly and which are their current achievements to support a more sustainable world.

Objective: The main contribution of this paper is to depict the core characteristics of sustainable software systems and the means to achieve them.

Results: To do that, we systematically enquired the literature on sustainability in software systems and found 242 studies, from which 24 were relevant for our deep analysis. Our results summarize 17 different understandings of sustainable software systems and present evidence that sustainable software is currently mainly concerned to preserve four resources (electric energy, human resources, monetary cost, and production time). As means to achieve sustainability in software systems, we outline 68 critical factors and 98 possible means to achieve sustainability (guidelines, tools, methods, metrics, models, and frameworks). We interpreted, selected, and grouped this multiplicity of initiatives to present the current research endeavors in this area and highlight current gaps that still need to be better investigated.

Conclusions: No matter the application domains of the software systems, sustainability must be treated as a core concern in software development together with both a better alignment between academia and industry and a change in the mindset of practitioners concerning sustainable system development.

Replication package

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Contents available

Resource Description Link
RQ1 Understandings about sustainable software systems Link
RQ2 Resources taken into account when considering sustainability in software systems Link
RQ3 Critical factors for sustainable software systems Link
RQ4.1 Means to leverage the development of sustainable software systems (Approaches) Link
RQ4.2 Guidelines to build a sustainable software systems Link
References Table of references Link